Free Webinar: Learn how we grew a B2B podcast to 150K views and $10K in sponsors.  Register Now

Podcast Consulting

You’ve got a great idea—and the goods to get it off the ground. What you really need is a dedicated team of experts to guide you through the maze of creating a show. It’s like exploring the great unknown: no one gets far without a map. That’s where we come in. We’ll show you the ideal route—navigating pitfalls and perils—so you can tell your epic story.
Price Range: $500 (2 HR Min.)

Foundations of Podcasting

What’s an RSS Feed? How do I publish a show on Spotify and iTunes? We’ll answer these questions and more to help you lay a sustainable foundation for your podcast. We’ll equip you and your team with all the knowledge you need to run a show for your company.


Podcasting has a unique set of marketing challenges. We’ll review your content strategy, share growth hacks, identify areas of improvement, and demystify the promotion process.

Technical Evaluation

It doesn’t need to be hard; it doesn’t need to be complicated. We’ll assess your current tech setup and recommend the best hardware, software, updates, and add-ons for a simple and smooth podcast journey.

Group 58


Work with our executive producers to develop your show structure, brainstorm episode segments, and audit the quality of your show. You’ll gain insight into the production process as it relates to your goals and objectives.


Let’s take a deep dive into your current podcast strategy—in retrospect. We’ll conduct editorial reviews, identify gaps in your process, look for growth opportunities, and answer questions about developing your audio-visual approach.


  • 📋 Step-by-Step Launch Guide
  • 💡 Expert Tips
  • 📅 Case Study
  • 📑 Bonus Templates
AVAILABLE sep 1, 2024