{ What is a Podcast? }

{ What is a Podcast? }

  • Sarah Smith
  • Sarah Smith
What is a podcast

On-the-go media brought directly to your ears

From working from home to zoom calling friends, taking classes online to keeping up with the latest news through social media, there’s no doubt that we’re plugged into our devices now more than ever before.

On your own journey through various apps and sites, you may have heard of podcasts from friends or relatives or prominent online celebrities, raving about the latest thing they’ve been listening to with more time at home on their hands. Podcasts are a form of media increasingly growing in popularity, from just a few listeners a few years prior to millions of listeners today tuning into hundreds of different shows.

So, you may be wondering:

What is a podcast?

Record podcast

To keep things simple, think of a podcast as an internet radio show that you can listen to on your schedule.

Instead of tuning in to a station at a certain hour of the day, podcasts can be accessed at any hour of any day through multiple platforms. As long as you have access to the internet and have a way of listening (through speakers or headphones), you’re able to access podcasts.

Where can I listen to them?

Podcasts live in a variety of places on the world wide web, with plenty of podcasting platforms to choose from based on your device, preferences, and budget.

Most podcasts end up on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, YouTube, and Libsyn — just to name a few! These platforms are accessible on multiple devices and many podcasts are available on several platforms at one time. These platforms and apps often allow you to download podcasts to listen to off-line and to subscribe to podcast creators, which keeps you up-to-date on the latest episodes posted.

Some creators choose to offer their podcasts on their own websites, especially when their podcast is centered around a specific business or project. Other creators place some of their content behind a paywall, such as on Patreon, where you can pay a small price to access exclusive episodes and content.

Which topics do podcasts cover?

Here’s the most exciting thing about podcasts: they can cover any and every topic. At the Houston Podwe produce podcasts that include topics like religion, marketing, career coaching, local events, and even the Texas Renaissance Festival.

No matter what your interests are, we can guarantee that there’s a podcast that talks about it! From movies to music, true crime to tall tales, comedy to culinary arts, there’s something for everybody in podcasting!

How can I make my own podcast?

Make a podcast

This is our favorite question because, at the Houston Pod, we believe we have the best answer: come work with us!

Collaborating with our team of podcasting experts, the Houston Pod offers podcasting services that include consultations, podcast management, editing, distribution, marketing, and so much more. Podcasting doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be a simplified streamlined process when you have a little help along the way.

We’ve worked with clients big and small on everything from coming up with podcasting ideas to pushing these podcasting episodes out into the world, and we would be honored to help!

Interested in finding out more? Drop us a line!

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